dermatude facial treatment

PB North speaker and Nouveau Skin Therapy acting technical consultant Sally Durant reveals why you should consider using a variety of non-invasive treatments modalities when treating more intricate skin conditions.

The skin is a complex organ with an intricate structure and diversity of functions, which creates a synergistic, multi-faceted and multi-layered working tissue. With this complexity in mind, it is easy to appreciate why a unilateral approach to treating some of the more intricate skin conditions will not be enough to gain optimal results.

This is why combination treatment programmes form the mainstay of effective remedial skincare. Exploring which treatments can be safely combined for maximum benefit is key to the success of any aesthetic practice, but equally, knowing how to avoid over treatment is also vital to avoid adverse skin reactions and damage.

Modern practice is to use a progressive, rather than aggressive, approach to remedial skin treatment, and a fundamental part of achieving this balance is to support the skin’s health and boost its capacity for healing and regeneration. This will determine the positivity of your treatment outcomes.

You could consider using a variety of non-invasive treatment modalities which will support healthy cell metabolism, repair and renewal, such as nanocurrent technology, LED therapy and topical actives. Becoming fluent in integrating treatment planning will have a significant impact not only on the results you achieve but on the growth of your business, retention of clients and the establishment of your reputation as a specialist in skin health management.

Professional Beauty Hub – September 2016